Freeform Response
This is a bit more work, admittedly, but if I had everyone just click multiple choice answers for all my reference letters, they wouldn’t be particularly convincing to the judge.
This is the part where you can describe your thoughts on my character. Obviously, this is something positive (you can roast me in any other forum, of course, just not in a letter to a judge, please).
Ideally, you’ll be speaking to my ethics and general business practices would be what we’re looking for here, since this is a business process crime.
If you only know me on a personal level, you can constrain your comments to how I interact with friends and family on a personal level.
One or two short sentences is fine here. The form is pre-filled with some sample ideas. Please edit or re-write your own.
If we’re working on a project together, feel free to give it the ol’ elevator pitch here. Obviously, emphasizing the public good aspects of our project will help.